
Hier finden Sie Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der analytisch-empirischen Sozialwissenschaften. Die Veranstaltungen können von der Akademie für Soziologie, einzelnen Mitgliedern oder anderen Personen bzw. Organisationen durchgeführt werden. Für die Richtigkeit der Angaben zu Veranstaltungen von Dritten übernehmen wir keine Gewähr.

Tagung Theorieentwicklung: Call for Abstracts


(c) Uni Leipzig

In der soziologischen Forschungspraxis werden hypothesenfalsifizierende Befunde vornehmlich im Licht möglicher methodischer Limitierungen diskutiert. Die empirische Haltbarkeit der geprüften theoretischen Haupt- und Hilfsannahmen wird dagegen kaum kritisch und nicht systematisch hinterfragt, so dass entsprechende Theoriemodifikationen vergleichsweise selten erfolgen.

Auf der Tagung der AK „Methodologie der Sozialwissenschaften“ der Akademie für Soziologie (gemeinsam mit den Frühjahrstagungen der DGS-Sektionen „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“ und „Modellbildung und Simulation“) sollen deshalb methodologische Fragen zur Theorieentwicklung und Modellbildung im Kontext empirischer Forschungsaktivitäten erörtert werden. Dabei soll der Fokus weg von Fragen der methodisch-technischen Umsetzung hin zu Fragen der theoretischen Hauptannahmen, ergänzenden Hilfsannahmen und Modellbildung beim Ziehen von Schlussfolgerungen aus empirischen Studien gelegt werden. Die Tagung versteht sich insofern auch als Fortführung …

… der Diskussionen beim AS-Workshop „Theoriebildung und Theorieprüfung in der analytisch-empirischen Soziologie“ im September 2023 in Mainz.

Bitte senden Sie ein Abstract (max. 250 Wörter) bis einschließlich 02.01.2025 via Email an Hawal Shamon ( Die Tagungssprache ist Deutsch, allerdings können Vorträge auch auf Englisch gehalten werden. Sie finden den ausführlichen Call hier.

Für Rückfragen stehen wir jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns, Sie auf der Tagung in Leipzig begrüßen zu dürfen.


Tagung "Computational Sociology" in Bremen

Die DGS-Sektion „Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung“ und der AS-Arbeitskreis „Methodologie der Sozialwissenschaften“ veranstalten eine gemeinsame Tagung zu den methodologischen Herausforderungen von Computational Sociology. Welche methodologischen Entwicklungen müssen vorangetrieben werden, um diese neuen Daten und Analysemöglichkeiten für die theoriegeleitete empirische Sozialforschung und für die Theorieentwicklung gewinnbringend einsetzen zu können? Verlieren Erklärungen gegenüber statistischen Beschreibungen und Vorhersagen an Bedeutung? Kann damit die Prognosefähigkeit der Soziologie erhöht werden? Und schließlich: Wie muss die soziologische Methodenausbildung ausgerichtet werden, um diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden?
Tagungsort: Fraunhofer MEVIS, Institute for Digital Medicine,  28359 Bremen
Tagungssprache: Deutsch und Englisch
Organisation: Annelies Blom (Bremen), Heinz Leitgöb (DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung), Nico Sonntag und Gunnar Otte (AS-AK Methodologie)

Anmeldungen ohne Tagungsgebühr bis 15.9.24 hier. Das vollständige Programm mit allen Vorträgen finden Sie hier.

CfA: Venice Seminar 2024

As in 2023, the „Venice Seminar“ on „Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications“ will again take place in Venice, Italy. The organizers welcome theoretical contributions in the field of analytical sociology or theory-driven empirical social research on any topic. There will be slots for a maximum of 30 oral presentations (30 min. including discussion) and 25 posters. The poster sessions will begin with short introductory presentations in the main conference hall. Language of presentation is English.

Organisation: The workshop is organized by Katrin Auspurg and Gerrit Bauer (LMU Munich) in cooperation with the Venice International University (VIU) and the Academy of Sociology (AS). The Venice International University (VIU) buildings are located on the small island of San Servolo (about 10 minutes by boat from the historic city centre). Participants can book hotel rooms either on San Servolo or in the city centre. There is no workshop fee, but no covering of travel costs.

Abstract Submission: If you would like to present a paper/poster, please send an abstract…

…(one page max.) by July 8th  to Please indicate whether you prefer an oral presentation, a poster, or are indifferent. A preliminary programme will be available in early August.

For further organizational details please see the workshop homepage.


META-REP 2024 Conference Munich

In recent years, replicability, reproducibility, robustness, and validity of empirical findings became a focal and intensively debated and researched topic in the behavioral and social sciences. Aside from an intensive scientific discourse, these dynamics caused demands for change and innovation. In response to these developments, the META-REP program is oriented towards three main (meta-)scientific research goals: (1) to define, describe, and assess “replicability” (the what-question), (2) to provide explanations for replication rates, heterogeneity and deviation in replication results (the why-question), and (3) to assess effectiveness and efficiency of strategies and change aimed at improving robustness (the how-question). The conference will provide a platform for the exchange of manifold replication-related research findings and innovation from all scientific disciplines (as well as science …

… communicators, delegates from funding agencies, academies, or science organizations).

Location: Katholische Akademie in Bayern.

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer (LMU Munich, META-REP Program Coordinator)

Submission deadline: April 30, 2024.

For the conference website click here.


Thomas Leopold (Köln): "Beyond the Nuclear Family: New Data on Kinship Networks Reveal Matrilineal Tilts, Ripple Effects of Divorce, and the Importance of Extended Kin"

This study analyzed ego-centric kinship network data from adults aged 25–35 across seven Western societies: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, the UK, and the US. These data surpass existing data sources in the coverage of ties to nuclear, extended, and complex kin, allowing for a novel perspective on family and kinship as sources of influence, social integration, and support. This perspective yields three main findings that reach beyond the extant focus on the nuclear family. First, extended kin are central to younger adults’ lives. They account for approximately half of the family members that younger adults are emotionally close to, in regular contact with, and deem important in their lives. Second, kinship networks are matrilineally tilted. Compared to paternal kin, maternal kin are more often perceived as important, more frequently contacted, emotionally closer, and more reliable …

… as a source of support. These differences are sizable, emphasizing the vital role of kinship line in contemporary Western families. Third, the effects of parental separation permeate deeply into the family network, weakening ties particularly in the paternal line. Compensation of these relational losses through complex kin is limited in most countries but substantial in the US.


If you want to attend in person, please visit our event page for registration (for free). Online attendance is possible without registration via Zoom (click here, Meeting ID: 384 326 1393, Passcode: 2324).


Daniel McFarland (Stanford): "Homo Academicus Stanfordiensis"

Elite American universities are a site of struggle. Within them is a divided intellectual culture where faculty adopt distinct orientations toward their work activities, and they compete for position and power. To outcompete their peers, faculty innovate and secure more and varied forms of resources. The university supports these efforts with new programs, centers, and institutional initiatives, and it consecrates them through the selective conferral of promotions to tenure, full professorships, and administrative leadership positions. In this way the elite university as a field reproduces the legitimacy of elite faculty and the university’s dominant position in the larger academic field, but in a way adaptive to the changing environment. We present evidence of this via a full census of faculty members’ backgrounds, accrued capital,  …

… and administrative powers – e.g., attributes, affiliations, relationships, work activities, accomplishments and ranks – at Stanford University over a 25-year period. Multiple correspondence analysis reveal the university culture and habitus is divided, with hard science faculty building high-output labs aimed at securing scientific capital, and humanistic and social science faculty adopting activist concerns and developing popular courses to secure intellectual capital. Using hazard models, we show these forms of capital have distinct appeal to stages of promotion (tenure, full, leadership). We also show how faculty in both cultures innovate and secure new forms of capital (e.g., patents, donor funds, social media mentions – i.e., mostly toward new forms of scientific capital), increasing their pool of accrued resources (and the university’s), and raising the bar on promotion criteria. In conclusion we discuss how this system of struggle has implications for knowledge production.

If you want to attend in person, please visit our event page for registration (for free). Online attendance is possible without registration via Zoom (click here, Meeting ID: 384 326 1393, Passcode: 2324).


Marita Jacob (University of Cologne): "Unlocking Equal Opportunities: How Counseling Mitigates Social Inequality in University Enrollment in Germany"

A large body of research has documented persistent social inequalities in access to higher education. In recent years, therefore, there has been growing research and policy interest in how such inequalities can be mitigated, for example through individual guidance counselling. Such individual guidance programmes often aim to promote the enrolment of students from low social backgrounds. However, social inequality in enrolment could also be reduced by individuals from high social backgrounds taking up vocational education and training, which is an attractive option also for high school leavers in Germany. Moreover, if we zoom in on the group of students from low social origins, there may be considerable effect heterogeneity, as students with a migrant background already tend to study …

…  more often than their peers even without counselling, because they are more strongly oriented towards intergenerational status gain. I will present findings on these questions from the project „Future and Career Plans before Leaving High School“. The project uses a randomised controlled trial study design with more than 1000 high school students embedded in a panel survey to evaluate the effect of an individual and intensive counselling programme in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The results suggest that individual and intensive counselling can significantly reduce social inequalities in access to higher education, with opposite effects for students from high and low social backgrounds. Looking only at students from low SES, we find a stronger positive effect of counselling on enrolment for non-migrant students. Contrary to our expectation, this migration-related heterogeneity in the effect cannot be attributed to the status-gain motive. Beyond these individual-level programme effects, I will also discuss how such programmes affect aggregate social inequality and how this depends, for example, on the scale of implementation.


Series wird im Winter fortgesetzt

Die im Sommer 2023 gestartete AS Hybrid Speaker Series am Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS) der Universität Köln wird im Winter 2023/24 fortgesetzt. In einer Mischung aus internationalen und lokalen Rednern lädt die Reihe zur Diskussion über wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen ein. Im Winter werden folgende Vorträge durchgeführt:

  • 15.11.23 – Marita Jacob (Köln), Unlocking Equal Opportunities: How Counseling Mitigates Social Inequality in University Enrollment in Germany
  • 13.12.23 – Daniel McFarland (Stanford), Homo Academicus Stanfordiensis: The University as Strategic Action Field
  • 20.12.23 –  Thomas Leopold (Köln), Beyond the Nuclear Family: New Data on Kinship Networks Reveal Matrilineal Tilts, Ripple Effects of Divorce, and the Importance of Extended Kin

Organisation: Clemens Kroneberg (Köln), Malte Reichelt (Bamberg).

Anmeldeinformationen zur persönlichen Teilnahme an den einzelnen Vorträgen finden Sie auf unserer Event website (Registrierung notwendig). Eine Online-Teilnahme wird ohne Registrierung via ZOOM möglich  sein (hier klicken, Meeting ID: 384 326 1393, Passcode: 2324).


Elizabeth Bruch (Michigan University): "Competition in Online Dating Markets"

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023, 17.45, ISS Cologne (in-person or via ZOOM)

The idea that mate pursuit unfolds in a market is the theoretical foundation for most social science studies of dating and marriage. Within that context, scholars argue that romantic pairings result from two factors: the preferences that people have for their partners and the demographic makeup of the market (i.e., opportunities). Much attention has been paid to measuring romantic preferences – that is, who desires whom – and also documenting how relationship patterns vary with market composition. But little attention has been paid to understanding how an individual’s preferences and opportunities combine in the market, i.e., the workings of the market. A market for dating or marriage implies that singles /compete/ for desirable partners – this competition determines who ends up with whom and who ends up alone. While competition is shaped by preferences and opportunities, it is not a simple sum of these things. …

… In her talk, Elizabeth Bruch presents a novel framework for studying competition in dating or marriage markets and apply it to data on messaging patterns observed within an online dating site. Our analyses provide insight into the nature of competition in this market – for example, who is most competitive, who competes with whom, and who faces the stiffest competition – and how this competition arises out of preferences and opportunities. In doing so, we develop a deeper understanding of how population – and individual-level factors combine to shape relationship outcomes.

Elizabeth Bruch is a Professor of Sociology at Michigan University.

For information about online or in-person attendance, please click here.


Venice Workshop Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications

In November 2023, the workshop on „Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications“ in will take place in Venice, Italy, on the island of San Servolo. What began in 1999 as a seminar with a few doctoral students has now developed into a 4-day workshop with almost 100 participants each year. The workshop welcomes theoretical contributions in the field of analytical sociology or theory-driven empirical social research on any topic. There will be slots for a maximum of 30 oral presentations (30 minutes including discussion) and 25 posters. The poster sessions will begin with short introductory presentations in the main conference hall. The workshop language is  English.

Location: The workshop will take place from Monday 20th November 9:30 to Thursday 23rd November 13:00. It will be held at the Venice International University (VIU), Venice, Italy. The VIU buildings are located on the small island of San Servolo (about 10 minutes by boat from the historic city centre). Participants can book hotel rooms either on San Servolo or in the city centre.

Organizers: Josef Brüderl and Gerrit Bauer (LMU Munich) in cooperation with the Venice International University (VIU) and the Academy of Sociology (AS).

Workshop fees: There is no workshop fee, but we cannot cover your travel costs.

Abstract Submission: Please send an abstract (one page max.) by July 15th ( Please indicate whether you prefer an oral presentation, a poster or are indifferent. A preliminary programme will be available in early August.

For further organizational details please see the workshop homepage.


Kasten Hank (Cologne University): Assessing sexual minority respondents’ attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes: Quantitative findings from pairfam and FReDA

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023, 17.45, ISS Cologne (in-person or via ZOOM)

Next to significant expansions of legal rights and recognitions of homosexuals, the beginning of the 21st century brought along a rapid expansion of social science research on gay and lesbian family issues. Whereas many studies are still based on qualitative research designs, the greater availability of high-quality survey data has spawned a new wave of quantitative research allowing representative studies of sexual minority populations that go beyond simple demographic accounts of, for example, union dynamics or fertility. We provide an overview of recent studies based on the German Family Panel (pairfam) and the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA), investigating such diverse topics as intergenerational relationships, expectations concerning partnerships and parenthood, as well as the subjective well-being of gays and lesbians in Germany.

For information about online or in-person attendance, please click here.

Filiz Garip (Princeton University): Climate Change, Migration, and Inequality

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, 17.45, ISS Cologne (in-person or via ZOOM)

Existing work presents mixed findings on the impact of weather events on international migration. Relying on fine-grained data over 1980-2018 in the Mexico-U.S. setting, we turn to machine learning (ML) tools to first determine if weather events can predict migration choices of 140,000+ individuals. We include a comprehensive list of weather indicators measured at various lags and to consider complex interactions among the inputs. These models rely on data-driven model selection, optimize predictive performance, but often produce ‘black-box’ results. In our case, the results show that weather indicators offer at best a modest improvement in migration predictions. We then attempt to open the black box and model the linkages between select weather indicators and migration choices. We find the combination of precipitation and temperature extremes and their sequencing to be crucial to predicting weather-driven migration responses out of Mexico. We also show heterogeneity in these responses by household wealth. Specifically, …

… we find that wealthier households in rural communities migrate in the immediate aftermath of a negative weather shock (relative to the ‘normal’ weather in their community), while poorer households need to experience consecutive and worsening shocks to migrate to the United States. This pattern suggests that migration as an adaptation strategy might be available to select households in the developing world.


For information about online or in-person attendance, please click here.


Lea Ellwardt: The Ties that Bother. Difficult Relationships in Older Adults’ Personal Network

Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 17.45, ISS Cologne (in-person or via ZOOM)

Difficult relationships may impede some benefits of social integration. This study inquires how many difficult relationships prevail in the personal network in late life, where they originate, and to what extent they affect loneliness. We supplemented the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) with our data collection on egocentric networks before the COVID-19 pandemic and a module that re-assessed loneliness during the pandemic. The sample comprised 883 respondents with a mean age of 73, and their 4,142 relationships. 15% of the respondents had at least one difficult relationship. Findings suggest that older adults may face structural and social-emotional constraints that pressure them to continue difficult relationships. Relationship difficulty in the personal network was unrelated to an increase in loneliness. The talk will also present some preliminary insights from on ongoing mixed methods project in carnival organizations.

For information about online or in-person attendance, please click here.

Mario L. Small: Financial Institutions, Neighborhoods & Racial Inequality

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 17.45, ISS Cologne (in-person or via ZOOM)

Research has made clear that racial inequality is affected by neighborhood conditions. One important condition is access to financial establishments. We examine how living in minority neighborhoods affects ease of access to conventional banks vs. to alternative financial institutions (AFIs) such as check cashers and payday lenders, which are often more expensive and have at times been called predatory. Based on more than 6 million queries, we compute the difference in the time required to walk, drive, or take public transit to the nearest bank vs. the nearest AFI from the middle of every block in each of 19 of the nation’s largest cities. Results suggest that race is strikingly more important than class, as the AFI is more often closer than the bank in well-off minority neighborhoods than in poor white ones. I present additional survey and interview results on the factors underlying these differences.

For information about online or in-person attendance, please click here.

AS Hybrid Speaker Series zur analytisch-empirischen Soziologie

Im Sommer 2023 organisiert die Akademie für Soziologie gemeinsam mit einem großen deutschen Soziologie-Institut eine hybride Vortragsreihe. Die erste Reihe findet an der Universität zu Köln statt, wo sich das Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (ISS) einen Ruf als Förderer theoriegeleiteter quantitativer Sozialforschung („Kölner Schule“) erworben hat. In einer Mischung aus internationalen und lokalen Rednern lädt die Reihe zur Diskussion über wichtige gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen ein.

Im Sommer 2023 gibt es Vorträge von Mario L. Small (Columbia University), Lea Ellwardt (Köln), Filiz Garip (Princeton University), Karsten Hank (Köln) und Elizabeth Bruch (University of Michigan) zu Themen wie ethnische Ungleichheit, Klimawandel, Migration, soziale Netzwerke, sexuelle Minderheiten und Online-Dating-Märkten.

Organisation: Clemens Kroneberg (Köln), Malte Reichelt (Bamberg).

Einen Überblick über die Reihe im Sommersemester 2023 finden Sie hier.

Anmeldeinformationen zur persönlichen Teilnahme an den einzelnen Vorträgen finden Sie auf unserer Event website (Registrierung notwendig). Eine Online-Teilnahme ist ohne Registrierung via ZOOM möglich (hier klicken, Meeting ID: 384 326 1393, Passcode: 2324).


10. ESRA Confrence: Call for Abstracts Out

ESRA hosts its main conference every two years to bring together applied survey researchers, methodologists and statisticians from Europe and beyond. The 2023 conference theme is “Survey research in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions”.

The conference showcases the latest survey research and offers a number of professional development opportunities, including short courses and awards. It is traditionally hosted in university buildings to keep registration fees to a minimum. ESRA aims to be as inclusive as possible, promoting in particular the participation of doctoral students and early career researchers.

The ESRA 2023 Conference will take place from 17 July to 21 July 2023 at the University of Milan-Bicocca in Milan, Italy. Call for Abstracts is open until 20t December, 2023.

For details click here.


9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten

Die 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (9|KSWD) in Berlin statt. Unter dem Motto Daten. Politik. Zukunft. thematisiert die Konferenz die zunehmende Bedeutung von Daten für Politik und somit für die Gestaltung einer zukunftsfähigen Gesellschaft. Die Konferenz wird gemeinsam vom Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) und dem Konsortium für die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KonsortSWD) veranstaltet.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zum Programm und zur Anmeldung.


2022 German Stata Users Group Meeting

The German Stata Users Group Meeting 2022 will be held on Friday, 10th June 2022 in Frankfurt at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. On the day before the conference, there will be a workshop titled “Taking a page from Git: Reproducible research & dynamic documents with Stata” given by Sven Spieß.

Organzisers: Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Christian Czymara (both Goethe-University Frankfurt), Johannes Giesecke (Humboldt University Berlin), Ulrich Kohler (University of Potsdam).

The conference language will be English. The logistics of the conference are being organized by DPC Software GmbH, distributor of Stata in several countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary (
For detailed program and registration information click here.

CfA Tagung Arbeit & Gesundheit von Erwerbstätigen in Deutschland: Auswertungen mit der BIBB/BAUA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung im Fokus


(c) Jeswin Thomas / Unsplash

8.-9. November 2022, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) Dortmund

Ziel der Tagung ist es, sowohl neuen als auch erfahrenen Forscher*innen ein Forum zu bieten abgeschlossene Projekte & vorläufige Ergebnisse zu präsentieren und mit erfahrenen Nutzer*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen der BAuA zu diskutieren. Insbesondere Beiträge sind willkommen, die sich mit Anforderungen, Ressourcen, betrieblichen Rahmenbedingungen und Gesundheit beschäftigen, sowie Einreichungen, die mehrere Wellen der BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung verwenden sowie Beiträge, die die BIBB/BAuA Erwerbstätigenbefragung gemeinsam mit anderen Datensätzen (z.B. SOEP, Mikrozensus, EWCS etc.) kombinieren.

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 15. Juni 2022.

BDS-Praxistag 2022

Auf dem ersten Praxistag des Berufsverbands Deutscher Soziologinnen und Soziologen in Kiel werden Vorträge über berufliche Wege gegeben sowie Workshops sowie eine Coffee-Lounge zum Vernetzen und zum Meet and Greet von Job-Insidern angeboten. Auf einer Podiums­diskussion werden unter anderem Vertreter der soziologischen Fachgesellschaften AS und DGS Einschätzungen zur Zukunft des Faches geben.

Nähere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.

Workshop Methodologien quantitativer Sozialwissenschaft

In der Fachöffentlichkeit erscheint „die“ quantitative Sozialforschung mitunter als ein monolithischer Block, der mit „der“ Statistik und einer einheitlichen – „positivistischen“ bzw. „kritisch-rationalistischen“ – Wissenschaftsauffassung gleichgesetzt wird. Nicht selten wird dabei angenommen, quantitative Sozialforschung beginne und ende mit der statistischen Analyse von Daten. Eine solche, in jüngerer Zeit wieder verstärkt aufkommende Sicht übersieht aber, dass das Feld der quantitativen Sozialforschung sehr unterschiedliche wissenschafts- und sozialtheoretische Positionen wie auch eine Fülle verschiedener Datenarten und Methoden umfasst. …

Im Workshop stellen Vertreterinnen und Vertreter unterschiedlicher Ansätze die Wechsel- und Passungsverhältnisse zwischen sozial- bzw. wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundannahmen und ihren empirisch-quantitativen Forschungspraktiken vor.

  • Organisation: Andreas Schmitz (Bonn/Gesis, Köln), Clemens Kroneberg (Köln),  Nina Baur (TU Berlin).
  • Durchführung: Online
  • Anmeldung bis 13.2.2022 an Andreas Schmitz (
  • Zum Programm geht es hier.


Introduction to pairfam

Online Workshop, September 23 and 24, 2021

In advance, participants can watch several short introductory videos on pairfam’s design, samples, data structure, variables, missing values ​​and available documentation. On September 23, a 2-hour introduction to data preparation and multi-actor links (including an exercise) will be offered via zoom. The following day includes a 2-hour zoom session on weighting options, longitudinal data management and exemplary fixed effects regressions.

The workshop will be in English.

If you would like to take part in the workshop, please write an email to

For more information see


FReDA Call for Modules 2022

Beim FReDA-Panel handelt es sich um eine halbjährlich stattfindende, selbstadministrierte Panel-Befragung (Online und Papier), die dieses Jahr 2021 zum ersten Mal ins Feld geht. Der thematische Schwerpunkt liegt auf Familienleben und Bevölkerung in Deutschland (weitere Infos: ).

Für die Befragungswelle Herbst 2022 (W2b) ermöglicht das FReDA-Team Einreichungen von einzelnen Fragen und ganzen Modulen. Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 30.06.2021. Insgesamt stehen für die Einreichungen drei Minuten Befragungszeit zur Verfügung. Den Call und weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Methodological Innovations in Research on Spatial Mobility

Workshop at German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Sep 27-28, 2021


The past years have witnessed a surge of new data allowing researchers to more precisely examine the nature, determinants, and effects of spatial mobility. Sophisticated survey designs, geo-referenced data, the extension of bibliometric data-bases, social media data, and new ways of linking datasets have increased the possibilities of research on spatial mobility and integration in addressing previously hard-to-examine questions. These methodological developments highlight the pressing need for a discussion about the potentials and pitfalls of newly available data and methods in research on spatial mobility and integration. Relevant questions include:

  • How can data collection methods help to overcome problems of sample selection bias?
  • Which new methods have become available in these fields, and how can they be applied to improve the estimation of causal effects?
  • To what extent do new data collection techniques and empirical methods call into question established findings in research on spatial mobility and integration?
  • How do they pave new thematic avenues for these fields in the future, and what hinders theoretical and methodological progress?

For Call for Papers click here (submission deadline May 15, 2021)


Aktuelle Trends sozialer Ungleichheit

Vortragsreihe startet November 2020.

An den Universitäten Konstanz und Leipzig findet im Wintersemester 2020/21 eine gemeinsame Online-Vortragsreihe zur Erforschung  neuerer Entwicklungen von sozialer Ungleichheit statt. Die Reihe wird von Dr. Benita Combet, Prof. Thomas Hinz (beide Konstanz) und Prof. Andreas Diekmann (Leipzig) organisiert. Themen sind Aspekte sozialer Ungleichheit mit Bezug auf die Corona-Krise, Migration, öffentliche Wohlfahrt, Einkommen, Umwelt, Geschlechterverhältnis und kulturelle Teilhabe sowie experimentelle Methoden. Die Vorträge werden von renommierten Soziologinnen und Soziologen in deutscher Sprache gehalten.

Die Reihe gibt einen Überblick über den jeweiligen Stand der Forschung. Sie wird unterstützt durch die Akademie für Soziologie und das Exzellenzcluster „Politics of Inequality“ (Universität  Konstanz). Die kostenlose Teilnahme ist nach Anmeldung und Verfügbarkeit v. freien Online-Plätzen möglich. Beginn ist der  2.11.2020, die Vorträge finden jeweils um 15.15 statt.

Die Programmübersicht finden Sie hier. Nähere Infos zur Anmeldung und zu den Vorträgen finden Sie hier.

GESIS Research Data Management Workshop: Cancelled!

GESIS Research Data Management Workshop, April 23-24, 2020, Cologne

This workshop has been cancelled due to the Corona crisis.

The workshop helps researchers to ensure that their research data is usable within the project and can be safely made available to others – both for the purpose of research replication and for re-use in new contexts. Ideally, these tasks are implemented in the research process without major extra efforts for researchers. For this purpose the workshop focuses on legal issues of data collection and sharing, on basic concepts of data cleaning and data documentation, on the organization of research data within the research project of as well as on sharing the data beyond the research project of origin.

For further information click here.

Immigration, Integration & Attitudes

International Workshop, Mannheim University, June 5-6, 2020 Germany – postponed. New workshop date: 22.–23.09.2020.

The Integration of Immigrants and Attitudes towards the Welfare State (IMES) group, a joint research group of ZEW Mannheim and the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) at the University of Mannheim, is pleased to announce its 2020 international workshop.

ZEW is hosting a workshop to bring together international scholars from different social sciences (political science, sociology, economics) studying the impact of migration in the host countries. The goal is to present and discuss recent empirical and policy-oriented research on the integration of immigrants and its effect on the welfare state and attitudes formation.

For Call for papers (ends March 15, 2020) and further information click here.

2020 German Stata Conference

2020 German Stata Conference, June 5, 2020, Frankfurt am Main – postponed until 2021.

Scientific organisers: A. Schmidt-Catran (Frankfurt), J. Giesecke (HU Berlin), U. Kohler (Potsdam). Stata users, from Germany and elsewhere, or those interested in learning about Stata, are invited to attend.

Further information here.

SOEP 2020 International User Conference: Cancelled!

SOEP 2020 International User Conference “Inequalities and Their Subjective Perceptions in a Changing World”.

9.-10.7.2020, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (DIW).

The conference provides researchers who use the SOEP with the opportunity to present and discuss their work with their peers. With keynotes by Eva Sierminska (LISER, Luxembourg), Paul K. Piff (Univ. of California Irvine. Call ends 31.01.2020.

See organizers’s website.